It’s a Sunday afternoon and I am setting up my yoga mat around many other woman in my MindBody yoga class. The class starts to fill up as the time for practice nears, and I can’t help but notice… There are NO guys in class. Ever. Anywhere I practice. Zero. Well.. I have seen some at a few places more so than others, but usually NONE. I always wondered why guys are so afraid to try yoga even if its just one class? So, I asked my husband if he would like to try a yoga class. I explained the benefits of yoga yet I was met with “Guys do yoga? Isn’t that a girl thing?” *Shakes head*
“Yoga is for women! Yoga seems too girly for me.” Those lovely words are grumbled by many men who are asked why they don’t try yoga. Yoga seems to have this stigma that it’s only for women, when in reality yoga it is for anyone and everyone! Believe it or not, back when yoga was invented in India women were forbidden to practice it. That’s right it was a male-only activity. My how the times have changed!
So, if you want to persuade your babe to try a yoga class – we combined forces and came up with a couple of sneaky ways you can get him to do it. One thing first though – #1 Rule in Sales: make him feel like you are convincing him its for his benefit and not yours otherwise.. he will feel solicited!
1) Preaching to the choir. Do it without sounding “preachy”, sound encouraging and positive! Here are the benefits your Beau might be interested in:
- Yoga strengthens and tones your muscles. A yoga workout is comparable to any cardio fitness. You burn them calories baby!!! Your heart rate goes up quit a bit during class. Each posture works different muscle groups in a unique way. Gentlemen, put down the weights and step away from the kettle bells… yoga can work wonders as it is just you and your body weight, my love, against the gravity!
- Improve your performance in other sports you like to do. Tell him that he will be amazed what flexibility can do for his performance in the sports he plays! His body’s capability doubles if not triples with yoga practice! He will notice improvement in speed, stamina, breathing, balance and overall strength in core. Pick a sport he likes to play and tell him he will excel in it!
- Yoga provides relaxation. Men are the alpha of life and handle a lot of stress during the day to take care of us – fragile creatures – so instead of going to a crowded and noisy gym some time it’s good to try a calm and relaxing yoga class. Most classes play music throughout the workout and each teacher guides through practice in a soothing yet informative manner. Great way to unwind and get refreshed.
2) Reassuring it’s not weird. Promise your man that the crowd in a yoga class is absolutely normal! Tell him that he’s not going to end up in some weird group, sitting in a circle and chanting to some yoga god he doesn’t care about. It is a spiritual practice but most studios keep it “everyone-friendly” without the extra fu-fu!
3) Yoga is NOT just for flexible people. Shine some light on this logic for him: we don’t do yoga because we are flexible, we do it because we WANT TO GET flexible. If he is telling you that he doesn’t feel like rolling up into a pretzel and he thinks that a hyper-bendy instructor will not be understanding, tell him about the PROPS!!! Grab some props and get a better stretch. Tell him that there will be blocks and straps to assist with more challenging poses! Also reassure him that all yoga instructors and fellow clients are very compassionate and practice non-judgement ?
4) Yoga is boring and easy. That’s a good one.. don’t you agree?!? If your man is very athletic and loves challenge take him to a good Power Vinyasa class. He WILL be challenged and WILL love it! One of the best things is to introduce your honey to what you love, but what’s even better is him loving it too!!! That brings us to the next point…
5) Workout together. Activities together bring couples closer, yoga in particular. You can start by showing him an easy posture or two (that you know for sure he will love and feels amazing) at home. Then find a Beginner Mindbody yoga class and take it together. Make sure you give him his space in class though!!! Its very important to leave him alone and – God forbid – try to correct him in class! You know that’s not going to go well! And you will see he will be back for more and next thing you know he will refuse to go out on a Friday because you have an early morning yoga class on Saturday!!!
6) It’ll impress your lady. There’s nothing better than a man who does yoga! It’s the same as a man who can dance! Guys who try new things and open to different activities are always more attractive to the ladies and yoga is no exception. Make it look like you are just sharing the inside secret info/hint. That might spark his interest.
It will be an easy sell! Work your magic on your man. You are the only one who knows how to do it and has that special key to him saying yes ? Here at Everbalance we would love to welcome more men in our yoga classes!!! Share with us if these tips are helpful?!?!?! Email us You can find our class schedule here. Grab your man and your mat, some props and a give it a go! We will see you guys in class soon!!!
Namaste ~