What is the Flower Balance?
The program is temporarily paused atm. Call with questions.
Hi, I am Tetyana, owner and founder of Everbalance. When I was 29 years old I started noticing that every time I sneeze I leak a little urine… Of course, I brushed it off as no-big-deal. One time I got a terrible cold and a nasty cough after. If you have incontinence – YOU KNOW WHAT I WENT THROUGH! The leaking was insane each and every time I coughed. I was terrified and confused since I haven’t had children yet.
Being a believer in healing through movement, I deep dove into the research on Pelvic Floor health and that’s how I discovered THE WORLD OF THE PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION and how actually somewhat dysfunctional that world is (not to be negative, just stating the facts).
Since that time I was able to completely recover and heal my incontinence. With that my passion for women’s health and fitness grew stronger with a whole new twist to it. While going through it all, I experienced everything you are experiencing now: embarrassment, shame, guilt, confusion, frustration, my doctor looking at me like I am crazy, pain, discomfort, wearing pads, always thinking about bathroom location, dreading long trips, limiting my water intake (bad idea btw), avoiding intimacy, social stigma and taboo around the topic and much much more!
Realizing this I decided to bring in everything that I’ve learned on my journey to my practice at Everbalance and that’s how The Flower Balance was born ????

Why are we a perfect fit
About You:
- If you have just noticed you leak urine when you jump, sneeze, cough, run etc., and you know better and want to be proactive staying ahead of incontinence.
- If you have significant incontinence issues and want to try using movement, breath, postural re-education, strengthening, relaxation and other natural healing modalities to heal from it completely before you go under the knife.
- If you have pain with sex and not really sure why or what to do about it.
- If you think you may have a prolapse, or you know for sure you have it and are willing to work on strengthening your body with or without surgery.
- If you are postpartum and are looking to revive your Pelvic Floor and Core.
- If you’ve had your babies years ago and have not been able to recover your strength and tone since.
- If you have dealt with Pelvic Pain for unknown reasons, endometriosis, vaginismus, or other diagnosis and just want to love your body back to health.
- If you have had a hysterectomy and want to be proactive, staying ahead of prolapse and incontinence.
- If you’ve had an abdominal or a gynecological surgery and now working with the aftermath of scar tissue and pain.
- If you’d like for someone to be constantly there for you, motivating you, and supporting you through it.
About Me:
- I have been through quite a bit and I know exactly how you feel.
- I was able to heal from PFD and I can show you the way.
- I have worked with many clients helping them to achieve the same (read testimonials below).
- I have been teaching bodywork like Pilates, Yoga, and Meditation for 10 years now – Certified Yoga, Barre, & Pilates instructor.
- I am a certified Low Pressure Fitness instructor.
- I am a certified Core Confidence Coach.
- I am certified PfilAtes (Pelvic Floor Pilates) Instructor.
- And most importantly I know what it takes to heal as well as taking someone else through the healing journey.

The Program
The Flower Balance Program was created overtime while working with multiple clients catering to their needs. Like I mentioned earlier I use the bio/psycho/social approach so it includes a lot of work with your body “bio” where we work together on:
- identifying exactly why & where you are having issues to our best ability with my expertise and the help of my fellow Pelvic Floor PT whom I love to work alongside with
- building your strength where you are weak
- releasing tension where you are tight
- postural re-education, because posture and pelvic alignment have a HUGE effect on our pelvic floor
- re-learnig how to breathe using that ever-healing for pelvic floor lateral-costal breath, reconnecting the core synchronicity in the body
- we work a lot with your feet and jaw as they both connect with your pelvic floor through your nervous system
Also we dive deep into “psycho/social” aspect:
- work with the subconscious
- our innate wisdom and ability to heal
- our self-worth dealing with guilt and shame that comes with having PFD
- our self-expression, because it’s important to be able to express and communicate about our pain; while PFD is a private subject, most of us have a hard time sharing about it, because this topic is such a taboo
- relaxation and stress relief
- we gain a community of like-minded women who are able to support one another
I feel like the most important takeaway from this program is Integration – your new habits of daily practice to be able to get results:
- a huge part of this journey is my accountability program
- you will be motivated and held accountable to dedicate time to yourself 1-2 times per day DAILY and 3-4 times WEEKLY
- this will be the key to your success and my supervision is what has been helping everyone to develop those amazing daily habits
Your Options

Personal Training – 4 months Program
You can work with me individually in-person and/or virtually. My retainer to work privately is $2500. It would cover 2 months of private sessions and 2 months of group classes, plus a Life-time access to the online platform with video content like tutorials, exercise sequences, full class recordings, yoga, mediation and much more for you to always fall back on when needed. This option would be perfect for you if you feel like you need personalized attention and hands-on training. During our time together I will be teaching everything you need to know about your Pelvic Health mind, body, and spirit.
In addition you will receive:
- 3-day local in-person Retreat that kicks off the 4-months program where you will learn all the basics (also available virtually).
- Multiple 30-day Challenges that start right after the retreat to help you boost your Pelvic Floor straight into shape (facilitated on the app will daily content)!
- 3 Yin Yoni Yoga Classes (live virtual).
- 2 Reformer Pilates sessions at Everbalance (in-person).

Small Group Training – 4 Months Program
I have had an amazing success working with women in small groups in my 4-month Intensive Pelvic Floor Program, where we work closely together on achieving our goals as a group. Something about a group effort and being part of the community of like-minded women that makes this healing journey even more rewarding and enjoyable. PLUS you get to save. The cost is $289 per month (total 4 months), includes:
- 3-day local in-person Retreat that kicks off the 4-months program where you will learn all the basics (also available virtually).
- 30 in-studio group training sessions (also available virtually).
- Multiple 30-day Challenges that start right after the retreat to help you boost your Pelvic Floor straight into shape (facilitated on the app will daily content)!
- 3 Yin Yoni Yoga Classes (live virtual).
- A life-time access to the online course with all content like tutorials, exercise sequences, full class recordings, yoga, mediation and much more.
- 2 Reformer Pilates sessions at Everbalance (in-person).